Windows Sockets FTP Client Application - WaReZ! - Version 95.12.31 Copyright (C) 1994 by -=< Ermax >=-. All rights reserved. (PLEASE REVIEW THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF THIS FILE!!!!) DESCRIPTION: ============ This application is a standard File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client application for Windows Sockets. The user interface for this FTP client is designed with the ELiTE FTP user in mind. Usage should be obvious. For more information on FTP please refer to the many different Warez IRC channels on the Internet. REQUIREMENTS: ============= WaReZ! requires you to have a properly installed WINSOCK.DLL and requires Windows 3.1 or later. If you don't have a WINSOCK.DLL, I'd suggest getting the free one from Microsoft or the shareware Trumpet Winsock from or buying a vendor supported one from Ipswitch, Inc. or from FTP Software, Inc. WaReZ! requires a 286 processor. INSTALLATION: ============= YOU MUST HAVE A PROPERLY INSTALLED WINSOCK.DLL FOR THIS APPLICATION TO WORK. REFER TO YOUR WINSOCK.DLL DOCUMENTATION FOR SETUP!! 1. Create a directory for this program and copy WaReZ!.EXE, WaReZ!.INI, WaReZ!.EXT and WaReZ!.HLP to that directory. 2. Create an ICON in any Program Manager group. a. Use the File Manager and drag the program into a Program Manager group. b. Use [F]ile [N]ew in the Program Manager. UPDATING FROM PREVIOUS VERSIONS: ================================ PLEASE KEEP YOUR OLD WaReZ!.INI FILE!!!! If you have problems with this version, edit your old INI file and delete the [_config_] section and restart WaReZ!. VALID COMMAND LINE OPTIONS: =========================== -i inifile (must be first in the line!) -p profile_name (cannot be used with gets or puts!) -ask (prompt for command line) ftp://remotehost/pathname/filename [local:/pathname/filename] [-ascii] file://remotehost/pathname/filename [local:/pathname/filename] [-ascii] //remotehost/pathname/filename [local:/pathname/filename] [-ascii] remotehost:/pathname/filename [local:/pathname/filename] [-ascii] local:/pathname/filename //remotehost/pathname/filename [-ascii] local:/pathname/filename remotehost:/pathname/filename [-ascii] KNOWN PROBLEMS ============== Many internet providers require you to use PASV mode in order for WaReZ! to work properly. If you always get "Dirlist returned 0", try changing this setting under Advanced in the Connect dialog or in Session Options. This is NOT a true problem in WaReZ! but is a requirement of your network provider. Some versions of the Trumpet Winsock DLL require you to use PASV mode. See the above note. WaReZ! does not work properly under some versions of the SPRY stack. You need to contact SPRY to get an upgraded stack that is Winsock compliant. There is a directory called "aF" in all listings, this directory is the same as the <..> diretory. Author ====== -=< Ermax >=- Internet: IRC: